Use "sit at ones feet|sit at ones foot" in a sentence

1. During one session, the young ones were asked to sit in a special section.

2. I again sit at the feet of bacteria who have solved all these problems before.

3. Then I sit at a roulette table.

4. At least, let me sit you at the singles table.

5. Crustiness Large build ups of ones dead skin skills on ones elbows, knees and feet (back foot bunions) That bitch takes Crustiness to a whole new level

6. Try to pin down the ones who can not sit still because there is always another exotic place to be.

7. I must sit down, my feet are killing me!

8. Well, we will all sit, at the big table.

9. He will sit on the jury at the trial.

10. He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

11. Miss sun indignantly stamped her foot and said, I won't sit!

12. Miss Sun indignantly stamped her foot and said, " I won't sit!

13. Sit-ins, sit-downs, mass picketing.

14. I'm inviting you to sit down at the dinner table.

15. We've got to get women to sit at the table.

16. 1 He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

17. You sit at the piano and play the pieces. Flawlessly.

18. They sit at the round dinner table in the kitchen.

19. Sit down, take your coat off, make yourself at home.

20. 19 They sing at good grades and sag at bad ones.

21. She would sit at the piano and sing, electrifying us all.

22. Croupiers will not sit at the table, or gamble with patrons

23. Well, you want to go over and sit at the desk?

24. A sit-in by about 150 students at the National Gallery

25. My parents still sell blank ones at the store.

26. When a hen naturally incubates eggs, she will stop laying new ones and sit on a “clutch” of 6 or more eggs for 21 days.

27. The amount of money required to sit down at a poker game.

28. In the living room, I sit, feet up, huddled in a rocking chair.

29. Willing to sit silently in one place for hours at a time.

30. But if he could only sit tight, nothing at all would happen.

31. Different ones adopted me, making me feel right at home.

32. You'll sit in judgement, and I'll sit next to you.

33. Jesus said: “At that time the righteous ones will shine.”

34. And young ones have been exposed to violence at school.

35. (Questio 3) : Utrum noscere quid sit genus sit necessarium ad Assignationem diffinitionum (Questio 4) : Utrum universale sit in intellectu (Questio 5) : Utrum genus sit equivocum (Questio 6) : Utrum genus sit cui supponitur species, et hoc est querere utrum ilia diffinitio generis sit bene data (Questio 7) : Utrum genus sit principium suarum

36. 25 Some persons can be everywhere at home; others can sit amusingly at home and be everywhere.

37. I sit at the table tired and discouraged, dutifully opening and closing letters.

38. He continued to sit there, chewing on a chopstick while glowering at me.

39. The lifeguards held a sit-in protest at Repulse Bay in the afternoon.

40. Are you having a sit - down meal or a buffet at the wedding?

41. You may prefer to sit on the terrace sipping a cocktail at sunset.

42. There were three large camps at Auschwitz, and 3 smaller ones

43. Did he choose certain ones, or were they shot at random?

44. There were no health claims, at least not federally sanctioned ones.

45. Sit down, please.

46. Sweetie, sit down.

47. We were almost the only ones to disembark at the small halt at Canvey Island.

48. Just sit quietly.

49. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

50. There is a window at which I sit and look down into the bazaar.

51. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sIt 'sideside at a long table. An empty chair faces them.

52. Sit with them at the meetings, and help them with their children,” says Yolanda.

53. Sit at the bar in the dry season and you can watch elephants and giraffe at the waterhole.

54. 18 The lifeguards held a sit-in protest at Repulse Bay in the afternoon.

55. Senators sit in big armchairs at mahogany desks and bat around millions of dollars.

56. That is too good, we will sit on the cloud tomorrow, won't the foot is acerbity.

57. Why trust such unreliable sources, especially when reliable ones are at hand?

58. At times, such ones have been deprived of any type of education.

59. Two of you sit aft and two of you sit in the front.

60. She used to take her books there, and sit for hours reading on a mossy bank under one of the Boughy beeches, with Argus at her feet.

61. I'm gonna stand up, sit down, clap my hands, and stamp my feet and shout Hallelujah.

62. And don't sit too long at the computer or your eyes will be tired later.

63. 12 They proclaimed a fast and had Naʹboth sit at the head of the people.

64. Use the blue ones, not the pink ones.

65. Sit in a crater.

66. They will sit on the ground and tremble constantly and stare at you in amazement.

67. Come sit beside me.

68. Craftsmen sit at benches between horizontal arms, on which they rest and roll their blowpipes.

69. And I would sit at this window every day when the sun came up, waiting.

70. If you sit at the back you can sidle out without anyone seeing you leave.

71. Shave, use good grammar, be at least five minutes early, sit up straight. Don't mumble.

72. 8 Workers at the factory organized a sit-in to draw attention to their grievances.

73. And we sit sulking!

74. Please, come sit down.

75. Sit up straight, fucker.

76. Sit on your chair!

77. I sit and sulk.

78. All right, sit up.

79. Sit your ass up.

80. The cave has a rock-cut bench at one end, probably to sit or sleep.